Home Sharing the Word, May 31, 2020, Pentecost Sunday, Cycle A.

Sharing the Word, May 31, 2020, Pentecost Sunday, Cycle A.

Sharing the Word, May 31, 2020, Pentecost Sunday, Cycle A.

1st Reading; Acts 2 : 1 – 11.
Responsorial Psalm; Ps.104 : 1, 24, 29 – 34.
2nd Reading;1 Corinthians 12 : 3 – 7, 12 – 13
Gospel; John 20 : 19 – 23.

The first reading recounts the story of Pentecost. The day the apostles received the Advocate whom Jesus had promised  before ascending into Heaven.  The Spirit came in a strong wind and a noise filled the house where they were and something that seemed like tongues of fire, separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak foreign languages. All the devout men then living in Jerusalem from all nations under Heaven, at the sound of the wind, all gathered and heard each of the apostles speaking his own language. This astonished them and they asked “Surely, all these men speaking are Galileans? How does it happen that each of us hears them in his own native language? Parthians, Medes and Elamites; people from Mesopotamia, Judaea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and parts of Libya round Cyrene, as well as visitors from Rome – Jews and proselytes alike – Cretans and Arabs; we hear them preaching in our own language about the marvels of God”. Acts 2: 7-11. Today, the work of the Spirit continues, and that is why we are able to hear the same message of the apostles in our native languages, Kom, Bum, Mejang, Mbessa, Oku, Lamnso, Bakweri as well as Bakossi and every other language.

While all the God-fearing men were asking what all these meant, others were making fun of the apostles. Some Bible translations simply say these making fun of the apostles said “it was too early”. Others are very explicit with this saying that it was too early to be drunk.  Peter keeps away all fear and addresses the crowd. They have been in fear since their Master left them. Now, they put away all fear and come out to the public, no fear of any arrests or of the crucifixion their Master went through. Peter lets them know that, they, the apostles are not drunk, it is just nine o’ clock in the morning and it is not possible for them to be drunk that early, when the feast for which all these people gathered in Jerusalem is yet to take full gear.

The Holy Spirit bestows gifts upon us. These gifts are wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, piety, fear of the Lord and fortitude. From these come fruits of the Holy Spirit :charity, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, longanimity, mildness, faith, modesty, continency and chastity. Those who receive the Holy Spirit will demonstrate these. Paul tells us in the second reading that these gifts are given for a good purpose. Their absence shows that a person is not Holy Spirit-filled.

In the reading, the Holy Spirit is depicted with tongues of fire. Fire does so many things in our daily lives. Fire lights, heats, prepares our food,  purifies, and scours among others. We feel good near fire when it is cold. Jesus came and later sent us the Holy Spirit in tongues of fire to do us all these and give us the fire of the Love of God. If we receive this fire, we should put all fear aside and show the love to all around us. If only we could seize the opportunity like, Peter to address the injustices around us. We may not need to have devout men gather around us, but just the least of Jesus’ brethren whom we find on our doorsteps almost all the times of the day.

Manifestations of the Holy Spirit are alive, available and experienced in our day and time. Such messages of wisdom, messages of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, miraculous powers, discerning spirits, gift of tongues,  and interpretation of tongues are all here with us. Receiving the Holy Spirit and His gifts is a life-changing experience. This is what we hear of the first apostles. What is our own reaction after receiving these gifts? Do not say you do not have any gifts! You sure, have more than you think and what are you doing with the gifts? is the main question to us as followers of Jesus in the 21st Century.

The Pentecost event empowers us to go out into the world. The Event urges us to speak His Word in every language and in every land. No doubt, the apostles find people of all nations present in Jerusalem during this event. Those who believe and are baptised are sent-forth to bring the same goodnews and be witnesses by word and deed to their destinations. How do you use your gifts from the Holy Spirit? Are they only for your family members and friends?

We can all speak ‘in tongues’ to be understood by all under Heaven. We can speak a language understood by all people from all countries on earth. We do not need to go to school to get certificates for this. It is a simple language which all can understand: theologians and philosophers alike, master and servant, the poor and the rich, the lame, the dumb, the mute, the blind, the short and tall, the black and the white, the disadvantaged, those from China, Japan, America, Arabs, Jews, those of us from Kom, Nso, Esu, Bakweri, Bakossi, Bassa, pagans and Christians, in fact all mankind. This language is LOVE. It does not need lengthy learning of any alphabet before speaking. Show love to any one around you and the response is going to be the same. Even our pet-animals recognise loving acts. Once you start living with the love of God, you will shun all injustices, greed, malice, envy, sloth, wickedness, prejudice, etc. We cannot pretend to be so enlightened in biblical studies, yet fail to show love to others. We need to show love to our neighbours. Such love does not distinguish who our neighbour is. He does not need to be our brother, sister, family, congregation, faith, denomination, tribe, etc. This is the first gift of the Holy Spirit and the greatest commandment of all. Use this gift of the Holy Spirit for the service of your neighbour, community and humanity and to serve God and all nations under Heaven will understand you in the same way as their representatives understood the apostles..

The Holy Spirit we received at our Baptism has cleansed us, purified us of all dirt and fear and we are left with all His gifts to show the world around us that we are Holy Spirit -filled. As Christians we should not receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and lay waste. We receive the same command from Jesus as we hear in the Gospel of today, “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you”.  These gifts should bear fruit and not be barren. All these are summarised with the word ‘LOVE’. The only language understood by all. We should use the gifts to complete Jesus’ work here on earth, not only to our family members, but beyond, even to the ends of the earth.

Happy Pentecost to all. 

A Little Prayer. 

Lord, I thank you for all you have been to me and for always fulfilling your promises. May your Holy spirit give me the courage and kindle the fire of your love in me. May the wisdom of your Spirit open up my mind to see where I have failed and to do as you desire so that you can at the end tell us ‘that is well done’. Amen. 

Happy Pentecost!

Have a Blessed Week.Bobe Talla Toh.

Author: aaccbrussels

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